Warum gibt es eine Glatzenkrone und wie behandelt man sie?

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Von Rehairsystem

Have you ever noticed a patch of thinning or receding hair at the crown of your head? If so, you might be experiencing what is commonly known as a balding crown. In this post, we’ll look into the causes and proper treatments of a balding crown. Read on to learn more about the Glatzenkrone if you have this kind of hair issue.

Understanding Balding Crown

The balding crown, also known as the vertex, refers to the area at the top and back of the head where hair loss commonly occurs. It is characterized by a gradual thinning of hair, leading to a visible bald spot or a significant reduction in hair density in that specific region. The balding crown can affect both men and women, although it is more prevalent in men.

Where is the crown of your head?

The crown of your head is located at the top and back of your skull. It’s the highest point on your head. You can feel it by placing your hand flat on the top of your head, where your hair typically meets in a circular or slightly curved pattern. The crown area is where the hair growth tends to converge and form a central point on the scalp.

What does a bald spot on the crown look like?

Balding Crown

A bald spot on the crown can vary in appearance depending on the stage and extent of hair loss. In the early stages, it may appear as a small patch of thinning hair or a noticeable reduction in hair density. As hair loss progresses, the bald spot on the crown can become more pronounced, with a clearly visible area of no hair or very sparse hair coverage. The size and shape of the bald spot can vary from person to person.

How long does crown balding take?

The duration for crown balding to progress can vary significantly among individuals. Some may experience a slow and gradual thinning over several years, while others may notice more rapid hair loss within a shorter time frame. The rate and extent of crown balding depend on various factors such as genetics, underlying causes, hormonal changes, and individual response to treatment (if any).

Lastly, Hair loss is a progressive condition, and without intervention or treatment, the bald spot on the crown may continue to expand over time!

Common Signs of a Balding Crown

Ausdünnendes Haar

When experiencing a balding crown, the hair in that specific area gradually becomes thinner. It loses its volume and thickness, appearing wispy or fine. This can make the scalp more visible.


Along with thinning hair at the crown, a receding hairline is often observed. The hairline starts to recede or move backward, resulting in a more pronounced forehead and changes in the overall shape of the hairline.

Increased scalp visibility

As the hair thins out on the crown, the scalp becomes more noticeable through the strands of hair. This increased visibility of the scalp can be particularly evident when the hair is wet or under bright lighting conditions.

Less hair density

Hair density refers to the number of hair follicles present per square inch of the scalp. With a balding crown, there is a noticeable reduction in hair density. The overall coverage of hair diminishes, leading to a sparser appearance.

Hair breakage or shorter strands

The hair in the balding crown area tends to become weaker and more prone to breakage. This can result in shorter strands of hair that do not grow to their usual length. The hair may appear frayed or damaged, contributing to the overall thinning appearance.

Bald patches or spots

As the balding progresses, distinct bald patches or spots may develop at the crown. These areas exhibit little to no hair growth, creating visible gaps in the hairline and further contributing to the appearance of hair loss in that region.

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Causes of Bald Spots on the Crown

Understanding the causes behind these bald spots can help shed light on potential treatment options.

One common cause is androgenetic alopecia, also known as male or female pattern baldness. This hereditary condition is characterized by the gradual thinning of hair on the crown and temples, eventually leading to the formation of bald spots. Hormonal factors, such as the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), play a significant role in this type of hair loss.

  • Traktionsalopezie: Excessive tension on the hair follicles from tight hairstyles can lead to bald spots.
  • Trichotillomania: An impulse control disorder where individuals compulsively pull out their own hair, resulting in bald spots.
  • Alopecia areata: An autoimmune condition causing patchy hair loss, including on the crown, as the immune system attacks healthy hair follicles.
  • Telogenes Effluvium: Hair loss triggered by physical or emotional stress, causing more hair to enter the shedding phase and resulting in temporary bald spots.
  • Over-styling: Excessive use of heat styling tools, harsh chemicals, or styling products can damage hair follicles, leading to breakage and balding spots.
  • Medical therapy: Certain medications or treatments, like chemotherapy, can cause hair loss and bald spots on the crown.
  • Nutritional deficiency: Sudden shock or inadequate nutrients in the diet can result in hair loss, including bald spots on the crown.
  • Hormonal imbalance: Fluctuations in hormones during pregnancy, menopause, or thyroid disorders can disrupt the hair growth cycle and contribute to bald spots.
  • Illness: Scalp infections or autoimmune diseases can cause hair loss and result in bald spots on the crown.
  • Trauma: Physical injuries to the scalp, such as burns or scars, can permanently damage hair follicles, leading to permanent bald spots.

Treatments for Your Balding Crown


Minoxidil is an over-the-counter topical medication that is commonly used to treat hair loss, including balding on the crown. It is available in different strengths and formulations, such as foam or liquid. Minoxidil works by promoting hair growth and prolonging the growth phase of the hair follicles. It is applied directly to the scalp, and regular use is required to maintain the results.

One advantage of minoxidil is that it is relatively easy to use and does not require a prescription. It can be effective in stimulating hair regrowth and slowing down further hair loss on the crown. However, individual results may vary, and it may take several months of consistent use to see noticeable improvements.


Finasteride is an oral medication that is available by prescription. It works by blocking the conversion of testosterone to DHT, the hormone responsible for shrinking hair follicles in androgenetic alopecia. By reducing DHT levels, finasteride can help slow down hair loss and promote regrowth. It is typically taken once daily, and results may be seen within a few months of continuous use.

One advantage of finasteride is that it can be effective in treating balding on the crown and other areas affected by male pattern baldness. However, it is important to note that finasteride is not suitable for everyone, and potential side effects should be discussed with a healthcare professional.


Dutasteride is another oral medication that is similar to finasteride in its mechanism of action. It works by inhibiting the production of DHT, thereby helping to prevent further hair loss and promote regrowth. Dutasteride is also available by prescription and is typically taken once daily. It may be considered for individuals who have not seen satisfactory results with finasteride.

The advantage of dutasteride is its potential for more potent DHT suppression compared to finasteride. However, it is essential to note that dutasteride is associated with a higher risk of side effects, and its use should be carefully evaluated and monitored by a healthcare professional.


Hair transplant surgery is a surgical procedure that involves removing hair follicles from a donor site (usually the back or sides of the scalp) and transplanting them to the balding areas, including the crown. This procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia and can be done using different techniques, such as follicular unit transplantation (FUT) or follicular unit extraction (FUE).

The main advantage of hair transplant is that it provides a permanent solution for balding on the crown. The transplanted hair follicles are resistant to DHT and will continue to grow naturally. However, it is a more invasive and costly option compared to non-surgical treatments, and the success of the procedure depends on factors such as the availability of donor hair and the skill of the surgeon.

Suitable haircuts

Choosing a suitable haircut can help conceal or minimize the appearance of a balding crown. Shorter hairstyles, such as buzz cuts or crew cuts, can create a more uniform look and draw less attention to thinning or bald areas. Additionally, using styling techniques, such as adding volume with the help of hair products or strategically combing the hair, can help create the illusion of fuller hair.

One advantage of opting for a suitable haircut is that it is a non-invasive and affordable option for managing the appearance of a balding crown. It can provide immediate results and boost confidence.


Toupees, also known as hairpieces, are a non-surgical option for covering a balding crown. They are custom-made or pre-made hair systems that can be attached to the scalp using various methods, such as adhesives or clips. Toupees are available in different styles, colors, and materials to match the wearer’s natural hair.

One advantage of toupees is their ability to provide instant coverage for a balding crown, effectively hiding the hair loss. They can be customized to blend seamlessly with the wearer’s existing hair, creating a natural-looking appearance. However, it is important to note that toupees require regular maintenance and may need to be replaced periodically.

Buy Men’s Toupee from Rehairsystem.com

Balding Crown

If you are considering purchasing men’s toupees to address your balding crown, we invite you to explore our toupee shop, Rehairsystem.com. Our shop offers a wide range of options, ensuring that you can buy the customized hair systems, hairpieces, hair toppers and hair patches. Whether you prefer a specific style, color, or hair type, we strive to provide options that cater to diverse preferences.

What sets our toupee store apart is our pre-cut and pre-style service. We help you to style the toupee and even cut the toupee for your individual need. Our team of professionals is readily available to provide guidance and assistance throughout the purchasing process.

Our toupee hair are available for purchase and delivery worldwide. Whether you reside in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, or any other location, you can trust that our reliable shipping services will ensure your wig reaches you safely and in a timely manner.


At what age do men start balding at the crown?

Generally, it begins to appear in the late 20s or early 30s.

Can a balding crown grow back?

In some cases, a balding crown may regrow hair with proper treatment. But the success of hair regrowth depends on various factors, including the underlying cause of the balding crown, individual response to treatment, and the stage of hair loss.

Can you fix the balding crown?

There are several treatment options available to address a balding crown. These include medications, topical treatments, hair transplant surgeries, and laser therapy.

Why are you balding on your crown?

The balding crown can occur due to a combination of genetic and hormonal factors.

Is it normal to see the scalp through the crown?

It is not uncommon to see the scalp through the crown when experiencing hair loss in that area. As hair becomes thinner or falls out, the scalp becomes more visible.

Does a balding crown mean you’ll go fully bald?

Having a balding crown does not necessarily mean that an individual will go fully bald.

How do you tell if you have a balding crown?

A balding crown can be identified by observing the thinning or receding hair at the crown area of the head. Signs may include noticeable hair loss, a widening part line, or increased visibility of the scalp in that specific area.

Should you shave your head if your crown is balding?

Shaving the head is a personal choice and not the only option for dealing with a balding crown.

What’s the best treatment for a balding crown?

The best treatment for a balding crown can vary based on individual factors and the underlying cause of hair loss. Options may include medications like minoxidil or finasteride, topical treatments, hair transplant surgeries, laser therapy, or combination approaches.


A major problem that many people face is dealing with a balding crown. With awareness of its origins and available treatments, you can, nevertheless, take preventative measures to deal with the issue. A variety of alternatives are available to combat a balding crown, ranging from lifestyle adjustments and hair care routines to medical procedures and styling methods. A healthcare practitioner or hair specialist should always be consulted to decide the best course of action for your particular circumstance.

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Hallo, Rehairsystem.com ist Ihre Anlaufstelle für erstklassige Echthaar-Ersatzsysteme. Wir sind ein Direktlieferant ab Werk, dessen Leidenschaft es ist, die Welt mit erstklassigen, maßgeschneiderten Haarteilen zu versorgen. Unsere Mission ist es, das Leben der Menschen durch unsere hochwertigen Haarsysteme zu verändern, die zu einem erschwinglichen Preis für jedes Budget und jeden Lebensstil erhältlich sind!