Veroorzaakt Creatine haaruitval of is het een mythe?

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Amidst the numerous benefits associated with creatine, there has been a lingering concern: does creatine cause hair loss? This question has sparked debates and raised eyebrows among fitness enthusiasts and individuals considering creatine supplementation. So, we will analyze the topic and explore whether there is any truth to the claim or if it is merely a myth.

What Is Creatine?


Creatine is a naturally occurring substance that is both created by our bodies and found in trace levels in animal proteins like those found in meat and fish. It is consumed, absorbed into the bloodstream, and subsequently absorbed by muscles. When engaged in vigorous physical activity, it is stored in skeletal muscle cells as phosphocreatine.

Numerous studies have been done on the effects of creatine supplementation on increasing muscular mass, strength, and power. It is most effective in activities that require short bursts of high-intensity effort, such as weightlifting or sprinting.

How does creatine work?

Creatine works by increasing the availability of phosphocreatine in muscles, which replenishes ATP (adenosine triphosphate) stores more quickly during high-intensity exercise. ATP is the primary energy source for muscle contractions, and its rapid regeneration is crucial for sustaining intense physical activity.

During periods of intense exercise, the demand for ATP increases rapidly. ATP provides energy when it releases one of its phosphate groups, forming ADP (adenosine diphosphate). However, the ATP stored within muscle cells is limited and can be quickly depleted during high-intensity activities.

This is where phosphocreatine comes into play. By donating its phosphate group to ADP, phosphocreatine helps regenerate ATP more rapidly. This allows the muscles to sustain their energy output for a longer duration, delaying fatigue and enhancing performance in short, intense bursts of exercise.

What is creatine used for?

Creatine is commonly used as a dietary supplement to enhance athletic performance and increase muscle mass. It is primarily used by athletes and bodybuilders to improve strength, power, and endurance during high-intensity, short-duration activities such as weightlifting, sprinting, and jumping. 

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Its main benefits

  • Improved Strength and Power: Creatine supplementation has been shown to increase muscle strength and power output, particularly in activities that require short bursts of high-intensity effort, such as weightlifting, sprinting, or jumping.
  • Increased Muscle Mass: Creatine has the potential to promote muscle growth, as it enhances the water content within muscle cells and stimulates protein synthesis.
  • Enhanced Exercise Performance: By increasing the availability of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), creatine helps to replenish energy stores more rapidly during intense exercise.
  • Faster Recovery: Creatine supplementation might aid in the recovery process after intense workouts.
  • Brain Health and Cognitive Function: Preliminary research suggests that creatine may have neuroprotective properties and could potentially benefit brain health.

Its side effects

  • Water Retention: Creatine can cause an increase in water content within muscle cells, leading to temporary water weight gain and a bloated appearance.
  • Gastrointestinal Issues: Some individuals may experience gastrointestinal discomforts, such as stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhea, or nausea when taking creatine.
  • Muscle Cramps: In rare cases, creatine supplementation may contribute to muscle cramps, especially when not enough fluids are consumed.
  • Dehydration: Creatine can draw water from other body tissues, including the rest of the body, which may increase the risk of dehydration if adequate fluid intake is not maintained.
  • Weight Gain: The initial water weight gain associated with creatine supplementation can lead to a slight increase in body weight.
  • Kidney Strain: Although creatine has not been consistently shown to cause kidney damage in healthy individuals, there have been isolated reports of kidney-related issues associated with high-dose or long-term creatine use.

What’s the Most Common Cause of Hair Loss?

Does Creatine Cause Hair Loss

Androgenic alopecia, sometimes referred to as male-pattern baldness or female-pattern baldness, is the most typical reason for hair loss. This inherited issue often manifests as patterns like bald spots or a receding hairline with age, and typically develops gradually.

Hormonal changes, medical illnesses, specific medications, stressful situations, radiation therapy, and particular hairstyles and hair treatments are a few other factors that might cause hair loss.

The precise reason for hair loss might differ from person to person, thus a correct diagnosis from a medical specialist is required to ascertain the underlying cause and consider available treatment options.

Can Creatine Lead to Hair Loss?

There is ongoing debate about whether or not creatine cause hair loss. Some studies suggest that creatine supplements may indirectly contribute to hair loss by increasing DHT (dihydrotestosterone) levels. DHT is a hormone that arises from the conversion of testosterone and is known to be associated with hair loss. However, it’s important to note that the evidence in this area is still limited, and further research is needed to draw definitive conclusions.

A recent academic article was titled ‘Common Questions and Misconceptions About Creatine Supplementation: What Does the Scientific Evidence Really Show?’ It was published in 2021. The authors examined research on creatine and hair loss. They included a study involving rugby players and concluded that there isn’t enough evidence. They believe that creatine doesn’t directly cause or increase hair loss or baldness. The relationship between creatine and hair loss is not fully understood. This is due to the lack of studies in this specific area. Therefore, we need more research.

DHT and its impact on hair

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a hormone that plays a significant role in the development of male sexual characteristics, including the growth of facial and body hair. However, DHT can also have a negative impact on hair growth, particularly on the scalp.

DHT is derived from testosterone through the action of an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. It binds to hair follicles and causes them to shrink, leading to a condition known as androgenetic alopecia, or male pattern baldness. This condition can affect both men and women, although it is more common in men.

The sensitivity of hair follicles to DHT is determined by genetics, which is why some people are more susceptible to hair loss than others. In individuals with a genetic predisposition to androgenetic alopecia, DHT can cause hair follicles to miniaturize over time, leading to progressively thinner and shorter hair strands. Eventually, the affected follicles may stop producing hair altogether, resulting in baldness.

Creatine and DHT levels

Creatine has been suggested to potentially affect DHT (dihydrotestosterone) levels in the body. DHT is a hormone derived from testosterone and is known to play a role in various physiological processes, including hair growth and hair loss.

Some studies propose that creatine supplementation could lead to an increase in DHT levels. The theory is that creatine may enhance the activity of an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase, which converts testosterone into DHT. Higher levels of DHT have been associated with conditions like male pattern baldness.

However, it’s important to note that the evidence regarding the impact of creatine on DHT levels is still limited and conflicting. Some studies have not found a significant effect of creatine supplementation on DHT levels. Furthermore, the existing research does not conclusively establish a cause-and-effect relationship between creatine intake, DHT levels, and hair loss.

Is Creatine Safe for Hair Health?

Creatine’s safety for maintaining healthy hair is still up for dispute and further study. It is crucial to highlight that the current research does not offer firm results, despite the minimal evidence that suggests creatine may increase DHT levels, which can cause hair loss. Although several studies established a link between increased DHT levels and creatine intake, they did not specifically measure hair loss as a result. 

How to Prevent Hair Loss From Creatine?

  • Consult with a healthcare professional: Before starting any new supplement, including creatine, it is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have concerns about hair health or a predisposition to hair loss.
  • Monitor DHT levels: If you are already using or planning to use creatine, monitoring your DHT levels regularly can help identify any potential increases.
  • Consider dosage and duration: It is important to follow the recommended dosage and duration guidelines for creatine supplementation.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle: A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, regular exercise, stress management, and adequate sleep can contribute to overall hair health.

Treatment For Creatine-Related Hair Loss

Does Creatine Cause Hair Loss

Since hair loss associated with creatine is a rare adverse effect, there is no specific treatment for it.

But it is advised to speak with a medical practitioner or a dermatologist for a proper diagnosis and individualized treatment options if you think your hair loss is caused by taking creatine. To address the hair loss issue, they may assess your situation, go over your medical history, and make the right recommendations, such as topical treatments, oral drugs, or lifestyle modifications.

Besides, toupetjes can provide a safe fix for people looking for an immediate change in their appearance. A toupee is a type of hair replacement system that is designed to mimic natural hair and cover areas affected by hair loss. It is typically made from real or synthetic hair and can be custom-made to match an individual’s hair color, texture, and style.

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Hair color, length, density, and base materials are just a few of the customized options we offer to accommodate individual preferences. even can custom toupee hair system for you, no matter it’s a celebrity’s hair or your imaginary look.

Veelgestelde vragen

Can creatine cause hair loss?

The majority of studies conducted on creatine supplementation have not found a significant link between creatine and hair loss.

Will hair grow back after creatine?

If your hair loss is attributed to creatine, it will likely grow back when you discontinue the supplement.

Does creatine cause acne or hair loss?

While some individuals may report acne breakouts while using creatine, it is often difficult to establish a direct causal relationship. Similarly, the evidence regarding creatine’s impact on hair loss is inconclusive.

Does creatine have side effects?

Creatine has been extensively studied and is generally considered safe for most individuals when taken within recommended dosages.


After a thorough examination of the available scientific research and anecdotal evidence, it can be concluded that the notion of creatine causing hair loss is largely a myth. The majority of studies have not found a direct link between creatine supplementation and hair loss. Any claims suggesting otherwise are often based on personal experiences or unsupported speculations. It is crucial to note that various factors, such as genetics, aging, hormonal imbalances, and pre-existing conditions, play significant roles in hair loss.

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